Friday, February 27, 2009


Anyone who has reached adulthood knows a little bit about sacrifice. And if you're a mother you know A LOT about sacrifice. And in this economy we are all learning even more about sacrifice.

When I was pregnant with Nicholas I joined an online bulletin board for expectant mothers. We were all due in April of 2004. After our babies were born, seven of us bonded over similar sleep issues. After a while, we broke off and formed our own online bulletin board for just the seven if us.

We were from all over the country and the world even. Texas, Oklahoma, Michigan, Boston, Denver, Seattle, and England. We ranged in age even...with me being the oldest. For all of us except for one, this was our first child. And all of us except for two have had another child in the years since we first came together.

For several years we've talked about getting together in person. I've met two of the ladies in person and spoken to another one on the phone. As for the rest, they are just words on a computer screen. It may sound strange but I consider these ladies to be friends. We've "listened" to each other's rants and raves about kids, husbands and life in general. We celebrate and commiserate. We use each other as confidantes and sounding boards.

This week one of the ladies finally "pulled the trigger" as it were and suggested a meeting. So after lots of back and forth, checking finances and checking with least five of the seven and hopefully all will be travelling to Las Vegas this June for a meeting.

All that brings me back to sacrifices. Jim and I are on a super tight budget right now (who isn't...right?!). Our plan for me to quit work and go part-time in August depends on us staying on track and on budget. But I really want to go on this trip in the next few months, I will be spending as little money as possible. No more morning lattes (ouch!), no more chair massages (ouch again!) and I dropped my online Weight Watchers membership.

I hate sacrifice...but it's worth it.

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