Thursday, March 5, 2009

Not quite 5 pounds

My total weight loss to date is 4.8 pounds...yeah!!! But more importantly, I can feel it. My pants fit more loosely and I have fewer "rolls" around my middle! LOL I still have a ways to go, but I'm making progress. And I'm trying to make my focus less about losing weight and more about creating new, healthier habits. I want this to be a life change.

I'm doing interval training several days a week. That's kicking my behind...let me tell you! All in all I feel healthier than I have in a long time.

The money situation...well, let's just say I'm exploring my options. I'm trying to tackle one budget item at a time. I can't really control utilities to a significant degree...we turn off lights that we aren't using, etc. Where I can try to make a difference is our grocery budget. However, grocery prices being what they are, even that's a bit of a challenge.

Anyway, fingers crossed for a good month.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fat, muscle, budgets and money

I broke my vow and got on the scale yesterday. I made it from Thursday until Monday, so it's better than before. But here's the clothes are fitting better so I'm thinking that I must be down. I got on the scale and I'm UP .2 from Thursday. UGH!!!!!

I'm smart...I completely understand that muscle is more dense than fat and that someone who weighs 150 pounds with a low fat ratio can wear a smaller size than someone who weighs the same with a higher fat ratio. I get that...really I do. But is it too much to ask that the scale shows some loss of weight too??!!!

And then there's money. **sigh** Ah, on second thought...I don't even want to go there. Let's just say that my fingers are crossed that our plan for me to go part-time in August is in jeopardy. UGH!